A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

As Sami took this first step onto SV Seahorse our Leopard 48 sailing catamaran, on August 9th 2014, it represented the culmination of years of dreaming and saving. We knew that the journey forward would change us.

We did not know that the world would forever change around us.

Captain’s Log

Jeff Jones is the Captain of the SV Seahorse. He has always had a love of sailing. For many years he raced sailboats ranging in size from 10 ft to 90 ft. Years of preparing sailboats for the harsh racing conditions prepared him well with the knowledge and wisdom for this voyage.

Admiral’s Plan Story

Michelle Krembel is the Admiral of the SV Seahorse, and acting First Mate. She has always had a love of sailing. She was an avid sailor and racer before ever meeting the captain. She focused on preparing the big boat fund, and works to plan the overall schedule and budget. During the adventure she continued to work.

Mate’s Musings

Samantha Krembel-Jones has grown up on the water. She officially left public school one month into 4th grade. She was dragged into this adventure, but now she flourishes. She was promoted from Swab to Mate upon crossing the Equator.

Why we sail?

Sea Stories

Fish Tales and Recipees

Labuan Badjo – Arrival

Wednesday September 13th, 2023 Day 3322 Seahorse sadly left our little spot of paradise at 6 AM. The motor started and the anchor cam up. We are always look for the little positive things that go right. The day was very short on wind, so we motored. We arrived before 11 AM. We decided to anchor north of town.