September 8th, day 3317
Blue skies and light breeze woke the crew of Seahorse. The Admiral’s plan included normal work, starting paperwork for Greek visa, laundry, and fridge deep cleaning.
While savoring a diet Coke, I got most of the CMT work done. I got a load of laundry in the washing machine. Then the Captain decided to invite our fellow cruisers in the lagoon to dinner. Seahorse loves a gathering, so plans changed.
I started a double batch of pitas. Making tortillas, and pitas was not one of the things I ever thought I would learn in this world cruise. The first batch was not quite right, the dough a little dry. The second batch, the dough was perfect. As I completed the final kneading the dough easily came off my fingers, and had the perfect soft rubbery feel. I put the dough to rise in the pilot house.
Meanwhile, the Captain was on his way to invite the fellow cruisers to dinner.
When he returned, our plans changed. Today was going to be an “all play” on the bottom. The Captain had decided that the boat bottom needed a good scrub. I did get one load in the washer. I also had time to get instructions off to CMT on how to put together the apostle request for our marriage certificate.
I jumped in the water about 30 minutes after the Captain. Jeff had a tank on and was washing the deepest part of the boat bottom. I focused on the waterline. Seahorse generally keeps a clean bottom. We try to give a scrub once a month in warm climates. Sami did the inside of the hulls at the waterline.
I quit before the rest of the crew. I was getting cramps in my feet. However, I had already finished the waterline of the outside hulls. I took a shower in the outside hose. With no one near, this is quite nice.
I cleaned the kitchen, and finished the pitas. Most of the pitas puffed up. A good sign that I am getting better.
Jeff made Taziki sauce and lamb meatballs. Our guests showed up just at sunset, and it was a great evening.